June 9-10, 2012 Saturday and Sunday A few spots are still open, but are filling up fast.
Elizabeth Graves Gaited Horse Clinic. Elizabeth strives to teach folks in understanding how structure relates to specific gaits and movement in all horses. Bringing forth a clear understanding of each individual horses performance potential through positive re-enforcement and a higher level of horsemanship without the need for mechanical gimmicks, Elizabeth works with all gaited breeds be it Fox Trotters, Icelandic Horses, Peruvian Paso's, Tennessee Walking Horses, Spotted Saddle Horses, Paso Fino's, Rocky Mountain Horses, Kentucky Mountain Horses, Racking Horses, etc.
8 Spots available for Horses/Riders The cost of the 2 day Clinic is $300. This will included a camping area and food during the clinic.
Meals Incuded are: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on Saturday Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday
You will be responsible for your own meals on Friday, if you choose to arrive early.
Camping: Bring your camper or tent. No shower or water hook up, but water will be avalible. Clean lighted out house on property.
Day 1 Learn the basics of the "How To’s" in the 5 Essentials of Horsemanship.
Morning session will be horseless in which everyone will need to bring a saddle pad/ Blanket to kneel on and learn the basic shapes we want to put our horse in and how to apply our aids to achieve this.
After this session we will work in small groups ,one group at a time and size of groups will depend on number of participants. Each group will work about 45 minutes to an hour and in this session we will address any individual needs of the horse and rider, be it learning lead changes , saddle fitting, balancing rider to straighten horses etc.
Once we work through each group we will finish out the day with one more riding session this one including all riders and working on lateral exercises for supling, gait constituency and just over improvement of performance from our horses.
Day 2
Start the morning out with a question answer session between myself and the riders.
Then again break into our small groups working each separately and applying the day before’s work into pattern work.
Final session of the day as a total group again riding together working on rating of speed and consistency done in a drill team format.
Clinic Deposit -- to hold your spot.
Non-Refundable Deposit. Balance due of $150 MUST be paid on or before May 10, 2012. If balance is not paid in FULL by May 10, 2012, we can not guarantee your spot will be held. Please include your contact information with payment. Email Mary Loch with any questions.
Clinic FULL Payment
Guarantee your spot today! $150 will be held as a non-refundable deposit. If you need to cancel a $150 refund will be honored through May 10, 2012. Canceling after May 10, 2012 will result in NO REFUND, unless we are able to fill your spot. Please include your contact information with payment. Email Mary Loch with any questions.
Just want to watch? Come join us for food and fun! Print off your paypal receipt and use it as your ticket at the door. Pre-pay and meals will be included Free.